So you're walking down the street in Okayama, thinking to yourself,
"Gosh, what should we spend money on tonight?" You turn
the corner, and there's your answer -- Joypolis, Sega's location-based
entertainment center chain. Or, to put it another way, Sega's answer
to Disney Quest. The yellow-vinyl-jacket with hot-pink-scarf attendant
is just visible in the photo below.
Inside is mostly what you'd expect -- video games, arcade games,
and some fancier versions of same (I didn't spend quarters to find
out how they were this evening, that'll have to wait for my next
trip!). However, this looked like a promising bit of kitsch -- Sonic
Next to the ad for Sonic Bowl, by the way,
is a placard calling for Karaoke, or in this particular case, "segakara".

Sure enough, it's Japan's answer to Rock'n'Bowl, complete with
music, colored lights, video games on the overhead monitors, video
playback of your strikes, and check out those fully saturated bowling